What's On / Local Events in Richmond, North Yorkshire

What’s On is a free service for individuals and organisations in and around Richmond including all of Richmondshire and communities throughout the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

If you are a commercial provider of events and activities, we are pleased to publicise your business too. To discover how to use What’s On for a modest fee just email – info@whatsonrichmond.co.uk

19 January
Venue: Richmond School 6th Form Hall
Time: 09:45-12:45

Skilled local community volunteers will fix your broken household items at the Repair Cafe, plus cake and drinks, no charge but donations welcome. Alongside the Repair Cafe will be a variety of stalls run by local environmental groups plus stalls providing information on action you can take in your everyday life which you can lower your use of fossil fuels, reducing waste and helping the environment to recover.