What's On / Local Events in Richmond, North Yorkshire

What’s On is a free service for individuals and organisations in and around Richmond including all of Richmondshire and communities throughout the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

If you are a commercial provider of events and activities, we are pleased to publicise your business too. To discover how to use What’s On for a modest fee just email – info@whatsonrichmond.co.uk

13 February
Venue: Richmond Town Hall
Time: 09:00 - 12:00

Come support Richmond's local history museum. Raffle, tombola and more! Entry £1.50. Museum Volunteers always wanted. For details ring John McCormack on 07866 033263.

14 February
Venue: Station Cinema
Time: Varied

Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy releases at the Station Cinema, The sequel to Bridget Jones's Baby based on the 2013 novel of the same name

14 February - 11 March
Venue: The Station
Time: 09:00 - 20:00 (19:00 on Sundays)

This is an exhibition of recent work by the Duncan Baird centred on his passions of the world around him in Yorkshire. The works are mainly acrylic on canvas, although some of the studies of flowers and Richmond are watercolours.

Duncan has exhibited in Brighton, London and in Yorkshire at galleries in Hull and the East Riding. He has a permanent exhibition at the "Old Town Gallery" in Bridlington.

01748 828259

15 February - 2 March
Venue: The Station
Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Complete the trail and return it to the shop for a small prize. Trail sheets are just £1 per child and are available from The Station Shop daily, from 10am - 4pm.

01748 828259

15 February - 15 February
Venue: Reeth Evangelical Congregational Church
Time: 10:00 - 12:00

Coffee morning: Drop in for coffee and cakes. Everyone welcome.
10am - noon.


15 February - 2 March
Venue: The Station
Time: 10:00 - 16:00

Find the happy signs of spring to complete the activity trail. Complete the trail and return it for a small prize. Trail sheets are just £1 per child and are available from The Station Shop daily.

01748 828259

15 February
Venue: Grinton Moor
Time: 09:45

A 3 hour walk from the carpark at junction of Grinton/Leyburn/Redmire roads. Visiting bale sites, hushes, Grinton Smelt Mill & Grinton How Level, depending on time. Booking essential.

17 February
Venue: Richmond Town Hall
Time: 14:00

A talk with Susan Rogers entitled Come Dine With Me. Visitors welcome. Please contact swale.wi.2024@gmail.com for details.

17 February - 17 February
Venue: Pear Tree Studio, Richmond
Time: 14:30 - 15:30

Gentle yoga movement and relaxation to help maintain a healthy spine, improve its flexibility and reduce non-specific back pain.


19 February
Venue: Bellerby Memorial Hall, DL8 5QL
Time: 19.30

Expeditions in the Arctic, including the first British unsupported crossing of the Greenland icecap, the first ski crossing of Svalbard, and the Geomagnetic North Pole by dog sledge. David's main interest is in retracing historic journeys of famous polar explorers such as Nansen and Peary.

Bellerby Study Group – a sociable group with a varied programme this winter. One of a series of eight talks at £3 per talk, or £15 for all eight. Free refreshments included after talk.

07968 596676