What's On / Local Events in Richmond, North Yorkshire

What’s On is a free service for individuals and organisations in and around Richmond including all of Richmondshire and communities throughout the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

If you are a commercial provider of events and activities, we are pleased to publicise your business too. To discover how to use What’s On for a modest fee just email – info@whatsonrichmond.co.uk

25 October - 5 November
Venue: The Station
Time: 09:00 - 20:00 Monday - Saturday, 09:00 - 19:00 Sunday

When we think of wild places, we often summon thoughts of inaccessible and untouched places, but wildness can be in any place depending on the moment where you experience it. Sunset, sunrise, night, can allow the busiest place to return to quiet spaces. Turning our sight to micro landscapes, we can find wilderness in our gardens, a wall, or simply turning over a rock. Then there is the wild freedom of imagination, where stars, worlds, and planets are brought into existence.

This exhibition brings together a group of artists, who have recently formed the Wild Places Art Collective. Their starting point was to explore their own unique experiences of wild landscapes, and to come together to spark ideas.