What's On / Local Events in Richmond, North Yorkshire

What’s On is a free service for individuals and organisations in and around Richmond including all of Richmondshire and communities throughout the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

If you are a commercial provider of events and activities, we are pleased to publicise your business too. To discover how to use What’s On for a modest fee just email – info@whatsonrichmond.co.uk

7 September
Venue: Outside the Gift Shop on Reeth Green
Time: 09:45 - 13:00

The history of a locality is embedded in the local landscape, from the obvious such as buildings and roads, to the more subtle such as old field boundaries, faint prehistoric features or perhaps obvious features which are just not recognised for what they are. This leisurely walk of around 2.5 miles, begins on Reeth Green then progresses to Grinton, along Swale Hall lane, the 'corpse way' and returns via the Swing Bridge. We will see evidence of a planned village, the outline of a Romano-British / Iron Age settlement, an earlier road system, a medieval settlement, two corn mills, a medieval bridge, prehistoric dykes, a Bronze-Age tumulus, a burnt mound, a tufa quarry and a medieval field system. All in 2-3 hours. Led by SWAAG. Max 20 places. Booking essential.